Online Training

Cybersecurity: XProtect VMS System set-up – “Base” level

February 15, 2024

10.00 - 11.30 AM (CET)


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Online Training

The first in a series on building cyber-resilience, this online training will help you get started, with insights on first steps to take to: 

  • harden your XProtect VMS installation,  
  • reduce the number of vulnerabilities and manage access to systems,
  • eliminate or mitigate accidental or intentional threats, resulting in compromised communication channel, loss of data integrity and operational disruptions.  


An unprotected device or an unpatched vulnerability could be an easy point of access for malicious actors wanting to gain access to surveillance system components or use the VMS as a gateway to a wider cyber-attack. Once inside, they might get hold of admin passwords, design plans, employee or financial records, or other valuable data. The aim could also be to gain access to confidential company information and to disturb or compromise the environment.  



Carsten Bøgelund

Head of Security & Compliance

John Hertel Rasmussen

Platform Architect, Security and Compliance

Roy Band

Community Manager

Tatiana Pokrovskaya

Pan-EMEA Marketing Manager